Sunday 23 October 2016

The effects of meth and what it does to you.

The effects of meth and what it does to you.

Methamphetamine has lots of different names such as;
  • Meth,
  • P,
  • Crystal,
  • Chalk, and
  • Ice.
Image result for meth drug
Meth is a drug that is very bad because of how many people use it , the chemicals in it and the effects of it. The ingredients of meth are ephedrine which is found in cough medications and the government has begun to band it due to abuse.  There are also chemicals from toluene (break cleaners), acetone (nail polish), lithium (used in batteries; this burns the skin) hydrochloride acid, red phosphorus, sodium hydroxide and sulfuric acid.
The effects of meth can be very deadly and addictive.  The short term effects are loss of appetite, increased heart blood pressure and body temperature, dilation of the pupils, nausea, unusual  sleep patterns, seizure and death from high doses.
The long term effects can be very dangerous and permanent to a person’s health.  Some of the effects is that it can damage the blood vessels of the brain, heart, liver, kidney and lungs.  This includes breathing problems if smoked, infectious diseases if injected and broken tissues in the nose, if sniffed. This is one of the most used drugs because 90% of people who try it get ‘hooked’ and this leads to the addiction.
It can also cause severe physical and psychological issues.  Short term use grows to the intensity and complexity  of the effects.   This also includes hallucinations, paranoia and delusions.
The causes and effects of meth are dangerous as shown above. Best not try it.

Monday 12 September 2016

Ice Cream Sundae

The warm sticky caramel sauce ran down across the ice cream scoops and filled the glass to the top.  The children ran in the door noisy from the lawn outside.   They were hot and hungry after the party games.  As birthday boy, Daniel was first to get an ice cream sundae with caramel sauce.  It tasted sweet and yummy. Daniel's mum made one caramel and ice cream sundae after another until all the children had one.  The only noise now was the slurping of ice cream being eaten in the kitchen.   Soon there were only empty glasses lined up on the bench.

Thursday 1 September 2016

Ox World Champs

Ox World Champs

And now, we have the Ox World Champ competition.  The aim of this game is to glide between two oxes for 200 meters and win.  So let's start this competition.  With splashing from the hooves as they hit the water and breathing and roaring from the oxes, the teams separate  from the rest to get in front.  The murky brown water before him is crystal still and has a reflection of him skimming across it on his tummy.  He wins the challenge and is crowned the best in Africa.

Sunday 28 August 2016

The Bunny Olympics

The Bunny Olympics

In Iceland there are 27,000 bunnies; 16,000 of those bunnies have their head stuffed into coffee cups to get a last energy boost for the up and coming bunny olympics.  In bunny times, the olympics are only two days away.  Their furry feet tapped on the smooth ice when the olympics  have started  With Usain Hop winning gold in the 100 meter hop  It was a crisp cold dry day with snow falling but they still made records in the high jump, long jump and hurdles.  The bunny olympics was a success thanks to the new drug, the coffee cup, which is legal.

Thursday 18 August 2016

The Dead Lighthouse

The Dead Lighthouse

On a stormy dart twilight evening, the waves were foaming white as they surged and crashed against the lighthouse.  The water rippled in the distance and sparkled as it cascaded from the rock base.  It was cloudy, chilly and dangerously strong wind.  The bottom of the lighthouse was submerged and old from water battering it.  Murky and standing alone with sea spray going everywhere it stood tall among the surging waves. The relentless waves never ending.  The defiant lighthouse stood proud against the ravaging of time and nature.  This beast will never die.

Saturday 6 August 2016

TURANGA WAI WAI - Our Marae Visit

TURANGA WAI WAI - Our Marae Visit

Arriving at 10.30am on Monday, 1 August 2016 we got to Turanga wai wai marae .When we entered through the gates the powhiri had started.The kuia did the karanga and we waited until everyone was seated, one of the locals welcomed us and did their mihi.

Mr Pene, our Southwell representative, replied with his mihi and thanked the locals on our behalf of us and placed a koha on the ground.

This followed with the locals singing a song to us then southwell singing a song to them called ka waita and we then all took part with a handshake and hongi after the songs.

Splitting into groups, we had guides give us a tour of the marae, giving us the history, for example when it was built, who the kings were and all the buildings on site.  The Waikato river runs alongside, with spring water supplying the marae.   It was interesting to learn about the needle hanging down in the dining hall representing "we are all together".  It was very distinctive, with the top of the needle being a carved man and 2 metres long so it stood out. The marae was set up in 1921, for a cost of $5,000 which was still a lot of money back then, as they only earned $5 a day.  

After the tour, the group meet together for a lunch of fish and chips before climbing back on the bus for our return to school.

On reflection the trip was interesting although I would have liked to experience a traditional lunch or 'food' that represented maori culture.

Hongi - to greet someone.  When nose touch each other.
Mihi - a personal speech about yourself, where you come from, family.
Ka Waita - the song.
Marae - home of the king, is a fenced in place with carved buildings and grounds that belong to a particular tribe (iwi), sub tribe (hapū) or family ( whānau).
Powhiri - a welcoming process
Kuia - female elder, who did the karanga.
Karanga - call out/summons - forms part of a powhiri.
Koho - gift.